A ray of hope? Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur There is no denying that Sardar Akhtar Mengal has influence but his capitulation has alienated many Baloch people and his powerbase will erode rapidly Sardar Akhtar Mengal’s unexpected capitulation and appearance before the Supreme Court (SC) has pleased a few but angered a majority of the Baloch. He has climbed down from his position of demanding an independent Balochistan. In the Daily Times of May 8, 2009, its then Quetta correspondent Malik Siraj Akbar reported Akhtar Mengal’s speech from the western Panjgur district bordering Iran. Mengal said that the ultimate goal of his party (BNP-M) was to seek Balochistan’s independence from Pakistan, for which the party was striving to prepare the ground and ensure unity among all Baloch nationalist political groups. The BNP-M chief said the Baloch had become tired of the unabated military operations and the excessive exploitation of their natural resources by the ...
Showing posts from September, 2012
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A must listen interview with Mama Qadeer Baloch (Voice for Baloch Missing Persons) from Shall by Samandar Askani, conducted on September 29, 2012, discusses his stance on Baloch missing persons, Baloch cause and Akhtar Mengal's appearance in the Pakistani Supreme Court and his activities. https://www.box.com/s/nl7fq0aa81hs8mk0i54e
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U.N. urges Pakistan to further investigate missing persons By Ashley Fantz, CNN-- The United Nations is urging Pakistan to look deeper into reports that thousands of people inside the country have been illegally detained or disappeared. A U.N. delegation spent 10 days inside Pakistan at the invitation of the government, and interviewed families of the missing. The group issued a detailed report on their findings Thursday . In many cases, the group found, families were often intimidated or threatened against reporting cases to authorities and were given empty promises that if they didn't, their loves ones would be returned to them. The U.N. commission that receives reports of missing has more than 500 cases in its docket for all of Pakistan. But that number, the working group notes, "may not be reflective of the reality of the situation." "According to various official and unofficial sources met during the visit, it is in the pos...
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Republican Rep. Ted Poe wants to de-friend Pakistan. The Texas congressman has proposed a bill that would take away Pakistan’s status as a major non-NATO ally, saying the country’s “treachery” has led to the deaths of too many American men and women. “It’s time to break with Pakistan,” Poe said Friday when introducing the bill. “Pakistan is the Benedict Arnold nation in the list of countries that we call allies. It’s time to remove a designation that brings privileges it does not deserve.” Short of revoking Pakistan’s ally status, Poe thinks the United State should at least stop giving the county quick access to sophisticated U.S. weaponry. He is not the first Republican lawmaker in recent days to propose legislative punishment for Pakistan. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul last week unsuccessfully tried to pass an amendment to cut off aid to Pakistan, saying the U.S. doesn’t have the money, especially for a country that has imprisoned one of its own citizens, D...
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Baloch crisis isn’t merely a humanitarian crisis; rather, it is a pure matter of sovereignty of Baloch nation. Sayed Yousif Baloch . By Archen Baloch Occupied Balochistan : In a statement the central spokesperson of Baloch National Movement said that a delegation of BNM, headed by Vice chairman Sayed Yousif Baloch had a meeting with UN visiting team to Balochistan in Quetta and apprised it about the current situation of Balochistan: the human rights abuses, state sponsored atrocities and the Baloch Nation Crisis. On behalf of the central general secretary of the Party, a letter along with a documentary book, The Brutal Counter Insurgency and State Terrorism of Pakistan, was presented to UN working group, which highlights the state terrorism, the mass murder of Baloch People, enforced disappearances, and their subsequent mutilated dead bodies thrown on roadsides. The BNM delegation for 30 minutes briefed the UN on Baloch issue. On this occasion, the vice chairman of B...
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Balochistan situation is his highly critical By Archen Baloch Balochistan situation is his highly critical. Another mission of 25 members would soon Visit Balochistan: UN Working Group. The leaders of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons have submitted a list of 2300 Baloch missing persons to the visiting United Nations mission in Quetta City of Balochistan yesterday. VBMP delegation headed by Nasarulla Baloch and vice chairman Kareem Baloch apprised the UN Working Group about the extra-judicial arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances gross human rights abuses and a list of 2300 missing persons was presented to the UN mission and told them that the number of missing is in thousands. But the total numbers of missing persons who have been documented so far are 1321 which have been enforcedly disappeared by security forces in Balochistan. Nasurulla told the press that they had apprised UN mission about the mutilated dead bodies numbering more then 45...
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We Been Given only Two Hours to Meet UN Working Group on Baloch Missing Persons: VBMP By Archen Baloch Quetta: The leader of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, Waja Nasrulllah Baloch complained that they have been given only two hours to meet the UN Working Group on enforced Disappeared Persons in Balochistan. He said that the head of Judicial committee retired Justice Javed Iqbal is speaking the language of secret agencies by lessening the number of Baloch Missing Persons. The long march announcement of Dafae Pakistan Council against United Nations’ visit to Balochistan is a ploy of secret agencies. In a joint press conference with Mama Qadir Baloch at Judicial Street, the leader of VBMP said that they had already expressed their reservation about the appointment of Retired Justice Javed Iqbal as the head of Judicial Committee for The Missing Persons. At the behest of secret agencies, Javed Iqbal has, as usual, presented United Nations Working Group with Misleadi...