The same bread with the same broth By Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur Illegalities committed under the cover of the constitution or judicial approval does not make them either palatable or morally acceptable The army through General Kayani has stated its position on the Balochistan issue in a one-liner that says, “Army fully supports any political process as long as it is within the Constitution.” This was in response to the Balochistan National Party President Akhtar Mengal’s recent moves and statements during his visit and the reactions to it. This short army statement has set the parameters for those who would try to deal with the issue of Baloch rights and the consequences therein to the Baloch for demanding their inalienable rights. This ISPR statement also warned that any steps taken in violation of the constitution would be unacceptable. This means that the Baloch should not ever cherish hopes for change in the state’s policies. For since March 26, 1948, when...
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Mengal’s Myopic Political Vision By Adenag Baloch The dilemma with Balochistan National Party (Mengal) has always been that it has never had a crystal clear approach to Baloch nationalism. The party has failed to define the border of its vision of Baloch nationalism. It has always adopted a shuffling stand regarding its demand of“right to self-determination”. The surprise came recently when Akhtar Mengal ended his self-imposed exile to return to Pakistan to help the Supreme Court of Pakistan in tracing out all enforced-disappeared persons. The act came at a time when a UN WGIED delegation ended a fact finding visit in Pakistan and Balochistan. However the real purpose of Mr Mengal’s visit is much more than just to assist the court [of occupying state]. Perhaps the case of enforced-disappeared person was used as an excuse to provide a reason to come back and to start campaign for Pakistan coming elections. Since the start of the fifth War of liberation, the Baloc...
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Baloch Freedom fighters will defend Baloch national identity and dignity: Gowahram Baloch. Eight members of State Sponsored Death Squads, Twelve Personnel of Pakistan Army killed, Gunship Helicopter Chelling on Civil Population Continuing. By Archen Baloch Occupied Balochistan: The Spokesperson of Baloch Liberation Front (BLF) informed Baloch media that at the behest of the head of Death Squads, Shafeeq Mengal and Sanaullah Zehri, Pakistani occupying forces are committing war crimes against Baloch nation by conducting aerial bombardment on civilian population, as result of this barbaric aerial bombardment a child along with two elderly women embraced martyrdom. According to Baloch Liberation Front (BLF), spokesperson the occupying forces have subjected the area of Gidar with intense search operation backed by Gunship helicopters since Monday. He said that Pakistani occupying forces were harassing the common villagers, blocking the all commuting roads. He said that Baloc...