Afghanistan - a Loaded Gun Pointed at Russia and America!

Afghanistan - a Loaded Gun Pointed at Russia and America! By Hafeez Hassanabadi Translated By Archen Baloch The relationship between Russian and America touched the lowest ebb after Russia gave asylum to Snowden and President Obama cancelled his scheduled meeting with his Russian counterpart, President Putin. It is a big subject with lots of other aspects, but in this article we discuss those aspects that are supposed to affect the relations between Russia and America, Afghan crisis and Baloch national question. Like any nation in the world, America is unwilling to accept its defeat. Giving importance to Snowden’s problem to such an extent that its president cancels his scheduled meeting points towards that stubborn attitude that says ‘our demands should be fulfilled at all costs’. It shows emotionality has taken over between the two countries on serious matters such as their importance of relationship. Emotional because, it does not las...