Opposing Baloch Sovereignty Was a Historical Blunder of India, Afghanistan and British By Hafeez Hassanabadi

Opposing Baloch Sovereignty Was a Historical Blunder of India, Afghanistan and British By Hafeez Hassanabadi Translated by Archen Baloch Whenever the bouts of pains of infested wounds forced Baloch to raise their voice, Pakistan resorted Blame Game calling them agents of external powers thereby downplaying the importance of the struggle. India and Afghanistan are its permanent targets of the blame game, besides America Russia and Israel for destabilising Pakistan by inciting insurgency in Balochistan. The reality, however, is that Baloch freedom movement started in 1839 when the British attacked and subsequently divided the sovereign state of Balochistan into three Parts. The Baloch liberation struggle never ceased since then also it is important to remember that there was no sign of Pakistan on the world map at that time. In response to the Pakistani allegations, both India and Afghanistan resorted to a defensive position and denied any...