A Grim Outlook on the Success of International alliance against Daesh (ISL) By Hafeez Hassanabadi

A Grim Outlook on the Success of International alliance against Daesh (ISL) By Hafeez Hassanabadi The rulers of Islamic countries are tyrants and their citizens are deprived of justice within their inherently oppressive systems. Therefore desperate disaffected populations living under corrupt oppressive regimes are eager to support any voice which rises against their tyrannical rulers. Often these oppressed peoples are left with no choice as a result of the extreme sense of helpless and hopelessness. They lend their support to any force who opposes their oppressors. Daesh (ISL) is utilizing this sense of deprivation among oppressed and disaffected populations to their full advantage on the ground. Because of the policies of these Islamic regimes; the citizens of respective Islamic countries are left with no other realistic option except to turn to such extreme elements as Daesh. While Daesh is consistently crystal clear on their destructive mission and goals, the ...