Tough times in Afghanistan and the Mirage of Self-Deception! By Hafeez Hassanabadi

Tough times in Afghanistan and the Mirage of Self-Deception! By Hafeez Hassanabadi The national affairs for both Baloch and Afghan people are increasingly getting worst, much ever before, because of internal conflicts and uncertainties! The culprit behind this state of affairs is a single common foe. It is highly likely that things get further worst for these two nations if they failed to improve their conditions; however, one thing is for sure that in this quagmire, in near future America, India, Russia and some other countries are certainly going to be affected adversely in the region. Therefore, in such condition, it is time for regional and world powers to come together and adopt outright clear policies for both Baloch and Afghan nations. In this desperate condition, it is promising that these two nations have the relative potentiality to turn the table against their common enemy. The wishful thinking of Afghan Pakistan friendship: we won't hesitate to say that Afghan...