The Deteriorating Situation in Afghanistan and The Strategic failure of International powers. By Hafeez Hasanabadi

The Deteriorating Situation in Afghanistan and The Strategic failure of International powers By Hafeez Hassanabadi Translated by Archen Baloch It is an undeniable fact that the disaster in Afghanistan could first and foremost have chilling effects on the region and then on the entire world. The International powers agree that Pakistan has been using Afghanistan as her source of income where it promoted Jihadist terrorism in the name of Islam and received substantial funds from international powers. Pakistan also claims that it has been at the forefront in fight against global terrorism but it [Pakistan] has been spending the resources, derived in name of fight against terrorism, to increase its military strength and to support its religious proxies. Hence, the strategy of Afghanistan and its allied nations could not be fruitful because on the one hand Pakistan is adding more fuel to the International terrorism, on the other hand it plays victim to gain access to policy ...