The Issue of Ukraine: Be Thankful that Putin's place is not Biden By Hafeez Hassanabadi

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The Issue of Ukraine: Be Thankful that Putin's place is not Biden    

   By Hafeez Hassanabadi 

There is a famous saying that "If a clown lives in an emperor's palace, that does not make him a king, but the royal palace will surely turn into a circus." The same is the case with the president of Ukraine, Mr. Zelensky, who accidentally managed to gain power with the help of the United States but could not prove to be a saviour leader for his country.

The vote for Mr. Zelenskiy was taken with this slogan and assurance that the situation of tension and conflict with Russia arose after 2008 as soon as he came. As a result, bloody events took place in the Russians-dominated areas of Ukraine, which gave Russia the justification to intervene, and the two permanent peace agreements of Minsk proved ineffective, and a new war was created. They will find ways to solve these problems through peaceful talks with Russia. But the result turned out to be the exact opposite of what the then leaders of France and Germany said about the two Minsk agreements, that those agreements were not actually for permanent peace with Russia but to provide time and opportunity for Ukraine to prepare against Russia, i.e. That is, to cheat with Russia. Keeping the same tradition, he not only did not give diplomacy a chance to solve this issue, but left no stone unturned to provoke Russia. At the behest of the United States, Great Britain and allies, they left no stone unturned to provoke Russia, which Ukraine had no need for.

Of course, many people say that if Ukraine joins NATO, why does Russia associate it with its security? This is told by people who are either ignorant of the history of world politics or know everything and are clueless on purpose.

 Before proceeding with this topic, it is very important to recall two historical examples. The first one is known to all. The British East India Company came to India for the purpose of trading tea, cotton, silk, sugar, salt, spices, salt, opium, etc.Later, they gradually recruited at the local level and formed an army of local traitors. With the help of which seeds of internal division were sown that the King of India was defeated by a trading company in the field of Plassey in 1757 and the period of forced colonization of India began.

Another example is the Former Soviet Union Critics used to criticize the Soviet Union. That there are big restrictions in it, people have difficulties in coming and going, etc. In fact, rather than complaining about restrictions on entry into the Soviet Union and other restrictions, they were more concerned that all doors to conspiracy against them were closed. As soon as the US helped or assured that the West would be given a chance to help Russia improve its economy, Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev started "perestroika" and "glosnost" (reconstruction and freedom of expression) initiated programs whereby economists such as American Jeffrey Sochs came to Moscow as advisers, first to Mr. Gorbachev and later to Boris Yeltson.

But just as these economists thought the West wanted Russia to be helped, it was not helped. As soon as all possibilities of the collapse of the Former Soviet Union and its re-formation were over, efforts to make the former Soviet states their obedient. The Baltic Republics were included in the European Union and NATO at the first opportunity. They created anti-Russian sentiments in Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia, laid the foundations of hatred, and brought color revolutions. They did not succeed in doing anything in Belarus. However, in Georgia, Ukraine, and Moldova, they definitely succeeded in making the elite their counterparts. In newly independent countries with Muslim populations like Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan and in the Muslim-majority districts provinces of Russia itself, the seeds of Wahhabism and civil war were paved. Billions of dollars were poured into armed wars against Russia. Great Britain, who had dreamed of destroying Russia for two hundred years, was now on the verge of being helped by the United States because of their plans to allow Russia to adopt a market economy.

Those words turned out to be false, leaving the Soviet Union in the lurch as it broke up. The old system was abolished, and they did not know the features of the new one, due to which Russia remained under the worst internal economic and political pressure.
In such a situation, when (Russia) survival was in question, how would they help their neighbours, with whom America was pouring billions of dollars like water, to break from within and persuade them to align against Russia. 

However, it is their misfortune that in the year 2000, when Mr. Vladimir Putin took power in place of Mr. Boris Yeltson, he started an actual reconstruction process, stopping the process of decline and disintegration of Russia from within. Russia came out of difficulties and went on the path of development in such a way that the United States and its allies could not tolerate this development. On the one hand, China, the main rival of the United States, is rapidly developing. On the other hand, Russia was also on track after 2014 despite numerous sanctions.

According to the Pentagon's "think tanks," it was necessary to stop either of them, so it was easier to break Russia from the inside than China because there were small pockets that now shifted to Europe and America when the war started. They were captured or ran away. Now they are no longer able to help the West here in Russia.

So the United States started playing with Russia's nerves. Despite the most difficult circumstances, Russia has helped those who resisted the arbitrary plans of the United States from Africa to the Middle East, from Latin America to Georgia and nowhere left the field empty for the United States and its allies.

The war in Ukraine started after the provocations of the United States when the U.S. and its allies did not understand Russia's message to stay away from my borders, and this is our red line. By doing this, perhaps they were under the impression that Russia would not strike first, and by that time, they would tire him out psychologically by playing with her nerves.

When Ukraine would be in a position to seriously attack and defeat Russia. But it didn't happen and Russia, by playing the drum of war after war, against all their expectations, turned Ukraine overnight so that United States and its allies have no other choice but to accept their defeat. Although they are still giving more deadly weapons to Ukraine and are allocating billions of dollars for this war, but still no significant results are visible in the field, nor can it be hoped that the United States can produce the desired results.  

However, if the goal of the United States with this war was to whiten its black money or rob Europe and its allies to give its arms factories and energy sectors a chance to earn huge profits, then that goal was undoubtedly fulfilled because, according to the American Secretary of State Mr. Blanken. That 90% of the money given to Ukraine to soften the blow comes back to the US, which goes to their arms factories that supply them with weapons. According to Alexander Grushko, Deputy Foreign Minister of the European Union, the European Union has lost 1.5 trillion dollars. He further said that if the situation were normal as before, our trade target with Russia in 2023 would be 700 billion dollars. But now we will be able to reach the trade goal of barely one hundred billion dollars by the end of this year.

Just two years after the war, European countries have been gripped by an energy crisis.There is no need to go into more detail. I'm just saying that is enough. The fact that electricity prices have increased tenfold (not ten percent) is an easy estimate of how much the burden has fallen on factories, landlords and the general consumer there, apparently due to the sanctions on Russia that the majority of EU citizens have to deal with. They are not buying oil, gas, and fertilisers, but by showing "intelligence," they are buying the same oil, gas, fertilisers, etc. through many other countries. The only difference is that money is not being given to Russia with their own hands to satisfy their ego, but money is being delivered to Russia by paying for delivery to someone else.
Citizens of the European Union are also paying the penalty for this senseless act of America.

Here we are avoiding to tease the wounds of the common citizens of the European Union and we do not even go into the debate about how to meet Europe's overall energy needs, the United States is doing them a "favor" by providing them with its energy at an expensive rate in exchange for Russia's cheap energy.


Looking at the intensity of the war, many people talk about the possibility of direct war with Russia, and NATO high officials are also interpreting the defeat of Ukraine as their defeat, giving the impression that they will not let Kyiv fall. . This means that they are ready to do anything to defeat Russia. Still, here the question arises: will they do it?

As for my poor opinion, they will never make such a mistake because they know very well that Russian advanced weapons like Poseidon, KH-47M2 Kanzal, Strategic Missile System "Yars", Avongard (Hypersonic Glide Vehicle), NATO countries has no answer to Russian aerial bombs. And Russia is far ahead of them. And I dare say that if NATO had the superiority that Russia has now, they would have attacked Moscow long ago.

As they have done before in Belgrade, Kabul, Baghdad etc. They have not been prevented from joining this war directly by the spirit of humanity or the boundaries of international law but by the genuine fear that Russia might do it. He can completely erase any country, island or entire continent from the map of the world, and nothing is stopping him from doing so in her current position.

The United States and its allies should be thankful that a man like Mr. Putin is sitting in Russia; despite having the upper hand, he tells Europe and the United States to be careful. If there was a selfish and heartless leader like Mr. Clinton, Mr. Bush, Mr. Obama or Mr. Biden in his place, when would America and its allies, especially Great Britain, Poland, Baltic Republics, Romania, etc? As countries have been practically declared to be erased from the face of the world.

Mr. Putin would do this only because the military superiority he has today may not be there tomorrow. By doing this, he would ensure that the door of conspiracies against Russia has been closed forever. Only friendship, mutual respect, lively competition and live and let live are open.

(the end)   ( The article was translated from Urdu)

 The author is a Baloch journalist who graduated from Leningrad State University USSR. His writings cover a wide range of issues in Balochistan and Central Asia. He has been a senior analyst and columnist for the popular Balochistan-based Daily Tawar Newspaper. He is also the author of the book ‘The Bin Laden’s Secret: How he lived in a Pakistani haven and how it is related to the Baloch national question?


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