Will events like the Moscow Crocus overwhelm Russia? Written By Hafeez Hassanabadi

Will events like the Moscow Crocus overwhelm Russia? 

Written by: Hafeez Hassanabadi

A group of terrorists, reportedly consisting of four men, entered the Crocus concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow on March 22, 2024, at 8:00 pm and opened fire on civilians indiscriminately. As a result, 145 people died, including six children, and 551 were injured. The hall, which had a total seating capacity of nine and a half thousand people, was destroyed by firing and successive explosions. After this incident, the four attackers tried to fled to Ukraine and were caught near the border. Later, their seven accomplices were also captured, and all of them are currently in Russian custody.

It was not even twenty-four hours after the tragedy that the United States clarified that Ukraine had no hand in the tragedy, even though Russia had not yet officially said that Ukraine was involved. Or someone else. However, the news came that the four attackers were arrested near the border on their way to Ukraine, and according to their statement, half of the money was given to them first while the rest was to be received in Ukraine. Such a statement of the United States, instead of reducing doubts, is convincing to believe that the United States has a hand in it somewhere, which is like the proverbial straw in a thief's beard. After that, ISIS Khorasan then claimed its acceptance, which seemed even more dubious than America's cleanup, because if ISIS were to attack Russia, it would have to have a solid basis, which at least in the current situation is not provided at all.

If you look carefully, at this time, Russia is the country that values Islam the most among all non-Muslim countries. Desecration of the Qur'an and audacity in the honor of Muhammad is common in America and its allied nations. But in Russia. Desecration of the Qur'an and insolence in the honor of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is a crime.
 Pilestines, where the eyes of the whole world and the Muslim world are particularly focused, and they cry tears of blood for them. Where Israel dropped more than 30,000 bombs and rockets in 100 days,which is eight times more than the number that the United States dropped in Iraq for six years.

On the tragedy of the Palestinians and the Palestine issue, Russia has been openly supporting Palestine and opposing the policies of Israel and the United States at every forum in the world. While maintaining the continuation of the USSR's support. Contrary to the teachings of the Qur'an, the Bible and the Torah in America and Europe, same-sex marriages, Sex reassignment surgery are being promoted and encouraged but in Russia such practices are illegal.  There are legal restrictions on actions.
The largest mosque in the world is also located in Moscow. The five daily prayers are offered in congregation. Apart from this, there are also mosques in many Christian majority cities including St. Peters burg. There are countless mosques in Muslim-majority provinces and divisions like Tatarstan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan, Chechnya, Bashkiria, etc. Like other religions in the whole of Russia, nothing is stopping Muslims from performing their religious rituals, festivals and worship, so the question arises that ISIS suddenly found such a big sin in Russia that it staged a dance of death indiscriminately in a hall full of joy. ?

The thing to consider is why ISIS did not see the abandoned houses, scattered bodies, and dead children of millions of Palestinians in Israel. Why did they not see the United States before Russia, which is the killer of millions of people from Iraq and Syria to Afghanistan and their cities? They are directly responsible for bombing villages and farms; why don't they see those European countries? Where once in two years, cartoons of their Prophet are defiled, and copies of the Qur'an are burned to show their hatred.

If they don't see it all, then anyone would agree with the commentators who say that this is not ISIS' work but someone else's. Who has used the name of Daesh (ISIS)or has used this name in return for special privileges? Here, we can never forgive the former president of America, Mr. Donald Trump, who said that our CIA created ISIS.

So after this revelation, no one should doubt that this phenomenon is the creation of America; if it is the creation of America, it uses it anywhere in any form and knows the tricks to use it. Since some of the foremost perpetrators of this tragedy are directly related to Tajikistan, a brief overview is needed here.

Readers will remember that a few months before the Taliban government came to Afghanistan, reports started coming from there that thousands of ISIS from Syria and Iraq were being transferred to Afghanistan through Pakistan through regular convoys and helicopters, according to our information. About 20,000 ISIS and many other religious extremists were gathered from Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan and brought to the border of Central Asian countries bordering Russia.
Russian President Mr. Putin once also expressed his concern about ISIS presence there through the media.
Gathering them, there was proof that America was heading towards making a big mistake. What he is planning to do is expand to Russia by spreading unrest in Central Asian countries to create problems for Russia, leaving Afghanistan. If the situation were to proceed according to their prepared scenario, which would have been an attack from Central Asia on one side and Ukraine on the other, Russia would have been disintegrated by internal pressure. Thus, in the presence of their new potential friends, the Central Asian countries, on the other hand, in the presence of Pakistan, America's ally, Afghanistan cannot afford a new resistance. The Taliban fought in Afghanistan for twenty years at the expense of foreign aid. Therefore, Central Asia and Russia can be conquered and returned to Afghanistan at any time, so in this scenario, it was possible to leave Afghanistan and return later. It was not a big issue for the United States to leave Afghanistan helpless and helpless by falling into this illusion. Still, the reality turned out to be the opposite, and Russia took the initiative and spoiled the entire game of the United States, and its allies were brought to the north. A large number of them managed to enter the Central Asian countries as refugees after the Taliban regime came to power. Many of them have also managed to migrate to America and Europe. Any time they make their "presence" felt there (in America and Europe), America will express its regret by uncovering the secret of all their "journeys" since their existence. But by then, it would be too late

While the rest have remained here or will remain under a plan, they will not have much difficulty in mixing in some of the countries of Central Asia due to having a common religion and some having a common language and shared culture. They can use the power of money to weaponize the name of Islam and very quickly line their pockets and behind the scenes to local people who have visa-free travel with Russia to do something like what happened in Crocus.

There is no doubt that today's Russia has come a long way in every field and will find out every character behind this terrorism and punish them. And with time, it will become clear which is this "ISIS" which saw the innocent women, children, old people of Russia but they cannot see the murderers of non-Muslims and their own Muslims from Palestine and Balochistan to Kurdistan?
Conclusion: Apparently, this was a test case to see how far success can be achieved by doing such events to spread chaos within Russia.
A) To what extent will people be against Putin and his team?
 b) How far back is there scope for taking such measures?
 C) Can religious hatred be fueled in Russia by directly involving Muslims in killings, as they have been doing in many countries?
d) To what extent can relations between Russia and Central Asian countries be damaged? Etc. The Russian police caught the criminals red-handed and ended the illusion that they could run away by doing such an act. Wherever their footprints are found, all their names will be known individually. Let no one fall prey to the self-delusion of hiding behind and avoiding punishment. Russia did not suffer from internal chaos, nor did the people turn against Putin, nor could religious hatred be fueled, and relations with Central Asian countries were not adversely affected; on the contrary, the Russian people have become more united than before. There is no doubt that this bloody event did not yield the desired results for Russia's enemies, but this does not mean that such efforts will not be made in the future. But one thing is sure: they will not affect Russia's intentions, nor will they spread chaos in Russian society, and they will not give any relief to the President of Ukraine, Mr.Zelensky, in any field. However, it is certain that the United States and its allies will suffer more complications if they want to resolve issues with Russia through dialogue. Such events will not blackmail or force Russia but will move it to take a more strict attitude, the effect of which will be seen in the form of negotiations on the table and destruction on the battlefield. The United States and its Western allies can only be disappointed because Russia has the upper hand in both fields at the moment. But despite this, he has not closed his doors for discussion. This expresses his political maturity and willingness to resolve issues within the framework of international laws. (the end )


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